Matador Knife System
2-Day Seminar

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  • Author
    Luis Gutierrez
  • Level
  • Video time
    2 hours

Student Testimonials

I took the seminar, I like it! It's not f.m.a. This is designed to respond and draw vs a larger opponent, multiple attackers. Learn to counter their counters. You learn both sides; the attacker & defender. Also it's filtered through the perspective of the professional fighting other professionals, but also applies to average house wife or dude. The knife work is extremely aggressive (ie lethal) but designed to STOP the attack (that is the purpose) and does not emphasis or target defanging the snake. Luis has a long standing excellent reputation amongst LEO and has updated and improved their training.
- Noah Walt
I am blown away by the depth of knowledge and ease-of-use of the material presented. Luis has integrated feedback from professionals in the field and done the historical research. Every technique has gone through troubleshooting and throughly vetted. It was logical, direct and effective. The mythbusting during the Q & A was particularly useful for the students and coaches in attendance. ***** 5 star rating! By far, the best blade training I've received in my 20+ years experience.
- Davy Martel
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